How long can I access to the course for?

By purchasing this digital pack, this provides you with a single license to the videos and downloadable resources within this course. The licence will be valid for 12 months from the time of purchase.

Will I be able to re-access the course material easily if I logout?

Absolutely! The price you pay allows you to create an account to login and logout of the course material as much as you like over the 12 months you have access to a licence.

How long will it take me to complete the course?

There is no time pressure on you to complete the course content in a specific time. You have access to the course material for 12 months from the point of purchase. The beauty of the course being digital is that it allows you to dip in and out of it and take it at your own pace.

Is The Restore Programme useful for friends and family of a loved one going through treatment for cancer?

Absolutely! We are confident that the information in The Restore Programme is informative and engaging for anyone going through a diagnosis of cancer, and that means the loved ones around a patient too!

Is the course available in any other languages?

At present, sadly the course is only available in English. Our plan is to be able to provide subtitles for different languages, to make sure we can help reach as many people as possible.

Are there any people who the programme would not be suitable for?

The information in The Restore Programme cannot accommodate every individual’s specific health challenges and so, if you have been advised to follow slightly different advice to what is discussed in the digital pack, you must follow the advice of your doctors and health professionals within your treatment team.

The videos have not been tailored for people requiring enteral nutrition/ artificial nutrition via the means of a feeding tube or who may be required to follow textured modified diets under the care of a Speech & Language Therapist. 

There may be specific nutrients, foods or supplements that can interfere with certain medications that you may be taking. Make sure you speak with doctors, pharmacist and treatment team for further advice if you have any questions or concerns and make sure you read the information leaflets provided with your medications. 

I live outside the UK, is the content relevant to me?

The content discussed in the videos is relating to food standards and healthy eating guidance within the UK. This is not to say that if you live outside the UK that the content is not entirely relevant to you, but there may be variations in nutritional advice depending on which country you are living in.

Can I buy The Restore Programme as a gift?

Absolutely! Finding a practical gift for someone who has been diagnosed with cancer can be difficult. We are confident that The Restore Programme is a fantastic resource for anyone undergoing treatment and would make a great gift. You can contact the team for guidance about how to purchase a gift voucher for the course by emailing info@therestoreprogramme.com

How do I access the course?

All you need is wifi! Watch on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. Once you have purchased The Restore Programme you will have an account that enables you to login and access the course via Trainer Central. Click here to get started.

Follow these steps to set up your account and access the course:

STEP 1: To get started either scroll below to the “Purchase here” section– By purchasing this digital pack, this provides you with a single license to the videos and downloadable material within this course. The licence will be valid for 12 months from the time of purchase. 

STEP 2: Sign up to Trainer Central – Once you have clicked the enroll button for the payment option of your choice, you will be taken to a sign up page where you will need to create an account with Trainer Central. Here you can choose a password of your choice. These login details will be what you use to re-access the course material during the 12 month period. 

STEP 3: Activate your account – having signed up to Trainer Central, check your email inbox. There you will need to click a link to activate your account. 

STEP 4 : Login & Payment – after activating your Trainer Central account via your email, you will need re enter your login details in the sign up page. After this, you will be taken to a payment page. We use Stripe as our payment provider. If you have any valid discount codes there is the option to use them here. 

I want to see a Dietitian to discuss my specific needs. Do you offer such services?

Yes, you can contact Charlotte via her private practice DINE . Do check out the various services she offers and get in contact via her website .