About Chronicconditions


The heart and mission of The Restore Programme stemmed from many brave and inspirational people facing a cancer diagnosis. Nutrition is a hot topic and there is so much information and opinion about it. When you are diagnosed with cancer or you know someone going through it, you want to do whatever you can to better your health and looking at dietary changes plays a big part in that.

Many people will start to research what they can do to alter their diets to help with their diagnosis or treatment. Whilst there are lots of brilliant resources available there is also a wealth of mis-information. It can be confusing, concerning and conflicting and leave people in a muddle to know what to do, often cutting out foods totally unnecessarily. The Restore Programme is on a mission to remedy this! It contains over 40 videos looking at the claims and the evidence behind what we know about nutrition and cancer, as well as providing clear explanations and practical tips to navigate times when eating is more challenging. We want to clear up the confusion so that you can make informed decisions about your diet. Check out the course curriculum for further information about what’s covered in the platform.

This is a really helpful and practical course for anyone but especially those who are facing a cancer diagnosis and wanting to be well informed around diet and eating well throughout treatment and beyond. It is full of useful information to help you navigate through all the information out there in order to make good decisions going forward. I would highly recommend.

LC, female, bowel cancer

Silencing The Nutrition Nonsense

Charlotte has a wealth of experience working in cancer care where she has worked as a Dietitian in several cancer specialisms (Medical oncology, Haematooncology and Head & Neck oncology) at one of London’s top teaching hospitals. She has experience in providing dietary advice for people undergoing treatment and also provides nutritional advice for some of the London Maggie’s Centres hosting workshops for people post treatment.

After obtaining glowing reviews from clients she has worked with, Charlotte wanted to devise an online digital pack of videos and downloadable material which takes you through anything and everything you could want to know about nutrition and cancer, and so The Restore Programme was born.

With the knock-on effects of the COVID 19 pandemic dramatically impacting cancer care, we wanted to create a resource that can offer everyone engaging and easily digestible scientifically sound nutritional content.

Through a series of videos and downloadable resources, Registered Dietitian and leading Nutritionist, Charlotte will provide you with the knowledge and know how, examining the evidence and claims regarding diet and cancer and give you lots of practical information to help you navigate your relationship with food wherever you are at on your treatment journey.

Help us further our work!

If you have found this course useful and informative, please help us by spreading the news about The Restore Programme with anyone who may benefit from also joining the course.

We know that word of mouth and testimonials from people is key. We are on a mission to cut through the confusion and continue our work to help restore peoples’ relationships with food and their bodies and so would really value your support.

For updates follow us on our social media pages Facebook & Instagram @therestoreprogramme.

As someone who is a friend of an individual recently diagnosed it is really difficult to know how to offer practical support. The Restore Programme offers that wisdom and evidence based information as an excellent thoughtful gift. The Restore Programme has made me re-think a diet approach to cancer diagnosis. Charlotte offers clear, professional, evidence based dietetic support in a friendly non-judgmental manner.

PM, female, supporting a loved one through their diagnosis.

There is so much noise out there about the best diets and foods to eat or avoid when you have cancer. I found it overwhelming. I just wanted to know what the best things I could do to support my body through treatment. I can’t recommend The Restore Programme enough. The videos are easy to watch. They are packed with useful information and everything is explained so well, that it allows you to make choices with your diet that work for you. It is brilliant value for money and I am so glad that there is this resource available for people going through treatment. I’ve learnt so much and finally have clarity over lots of rubbish I’ve read online!

CP, female, breast cancer